Sunday 17 May 2015

Usaha-usaha untuk memupuk perpaduan kaum di negara kita

Perpaduan kaum dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia amat penting untuk  mewujudkan Negara yang aman  dan makmur

Jelaskan usaha-usaha untuk memupuk perpaduan kaum di Negara kita.

                Isu perpaduan kaum merupakan satu usaha berterusan yang perlu dipikul dan dijunjung bersama-sama oleh semua pihak. Sekiranya terlerai ikatan silaturahim dan musnah perpaduan dalam masyarakat, nescaya pelbagai impak negatif akan menimpa masyarakat khususnya dan negara amnya. Oleh sebab itu, pelbagai usaha perlu diambil bagi memupuk dan membaja agar perpaduan terus subur dan mewangi dalam kehidupan masyarakat sekali gus mengelakkan peristiwa hitam 13 Mei 1969 daripada berulang kembali.

                Antara usaha-usaha yang boleh dilakukan dalam mewujudkan Negara yang aman dan makmur dalam kalangan rakyat adalah dengan  mengadakan aktiviti gotong-royong.Aktiviti ini merupakan saluran dan peluang kepada masyarakat di sesuatu kawasan perumahan untuk bertemu dan mengenali antara satu sama lain. Di samping itu, aktiviti ini dapat memupuk semangat bekerjasama untuk membersihkan dan mengindahkan kawasan persekitaran tempat kediaman mereka . Contohnya, pihak sekolah menjalankan gotong royong di persekitaran kawasan sekolah. Dengan itu, kita dapat meringankan kerja serta memudahkan kerja sesuatu

                Selain itu, kita juga boleh mewujudkan perpaduan dengan meraikan hari-hari perayaan kaum Malaysia secara bersama-sama. Kita boleh berkunjung mengunjung antara satu sama lain, dengan itu, kita dapat mengeratkan silaturahim antara kaum kaum di Malaysia.Contohnya, Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Hari Deepavali, Tahun Baru Cina dan lain-lain. Sikap kunjung mengunjung boleh menjadikan sesuatu kaum untuk memahami perayaan masing-masing serta menghormati antara satu sama lain.

                Di samping itu, aktiviti sukan dan permainan juga merupakan salah satu saluran bagi membentuk perpaduan dalam kalangan rakyat. Sukan dan permainan yang dijalankan dapat dijadikan tali penghubung atau gelanggang pertemuan pelbagai kaum di Malaysia. Contohnya, bola kerajang , bola sepak , bola takraw dan lain-lain. Pihak sekolah memainkan peranan yang penting bagi membentuk perpaduan dalam kalangan generasi muda kerana sekolah merupakan medan pertemuan kaum yang semulajadi kerana penyertaan dalam aktiviti sukan tidak mengambil kira aspek kaum.

                Kesimpulannya, semua pihak perlu sedar akan kepentingan mewujudkan perpaduan masyarakat di negara kita . Pelbagai usaha dijalankan adalah demi menuju ke arah membentuk sebuah masyarakat majmuk yang bersatu padu. Walaupun terdapat beberapa cabaran, tetapi dengan adanya perancangan yang teliti, usaha yang gigih dan strategi yang lebih berkesan dan dilaksanakan pula dengan penuh tanggungjawab dan bersifat proaktif oleh semua pihak sudah pasti keharmonian, perpaduan kaum dan integrasi nasional akan tercapai.

Thursday 14 May 2015


PT3 : Section D : Essay

Write an article for your school magazine on how students have been affected by the habit of spending time playing computer games and ways to curb students from becoming addicted to computer games. Use the note given below to write your article.

When writing your article:

*give a suitable title
*you may use all the notes
*elobrate on the given notes to make it more interesting
*make sure it is not less than 120 words


Sample Answer :

Effects of Playing Computer Games and Ways to Reduce Addiction

           Most of the students misuse the modern technology invented just to have fun. May students are using computer to play games and very often get addicted to it.There are many bad affects about playing computer games on students. Those students addicted to computer games always spend less time to study. They neglect their school homework and are left behind in their studies. Lack of revision cause them to perform poorly in their examinations. Too much computer games have limited their time from exercising or taking part in games. As a result, most of the students face the problem of obesity. Some of them also suffer poor health condition. Studies show that many families are facing social problem such as less family interaction. We can notice that most the youngsters lock themselves in their room and play computer games. This act shows us that there is an interaction gap among family members. Parents should take some drastic steps to curb these situation. Firstly, they should monitor their children’s activities from time to time. Help them to organise their time effectively and prepare a proper study timetable. This can help students to achieve good academic results. Secondly, parents could encourage students to spend more time with family members so that we can produce a happy family. Besides, taking part in co-curicullar activities can divert students’s attention from computer games. All of us must realise that modern technologies are invented to reduce our work load and we should always be in control of it all the time and never allow it to control us.

                                                                                                                                        Taken by: Dewan Siswa


Wednesday 13 May 2015

PT3 : Section D : Essay

The picture below shows an incident of a little girl who is lost in a shopping mall you saw while spending time with your family.


My Answer :

Last Sunday, I spent time with my family at a shopping mall. My family and I were having dinner at a restaurant. Suddenly, I saw a girl crying. I went to her and asked her what happened. She told me that she was separated from her family after they went out of the King 25 Restaurant.

            I comforted her and took the girl to the customer service counter. They made an announcement of the lost child. After a few minutes, her parents dashed toward us and hugged the little girl and they were both crying. Her parents kept on thanking me for helping them. I felt relieved to know that the girl had found her parents.

            Such incident can be avoided by dressing your child in bright colour for easy recognition. Secondly, share your cell phone number to your child in case of emergency. Lastly, parents need to stay alert at all time.


Sample answer :

Such incident can be avoided by dressing your child in bright coloured outfits for easy recognition. Children with bright coloured outfit will be easily spotted in a crowd. Secondly, parents must share their contact details with their children in case of emergency. They may place the contact details inside the children’s pockets or write on their hand palm. Lastly, parents should be on alert at all times when they take their children out. Do not let children wander inside the shopping mall alone. Parental supervision is vital in keeping the children safe.